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Have you ever felt stuck in your life? If so, you’re not alone. While a frustrating place to find yourself in, it doesn’t have to be permanent. So, how can we use focus to our advantage and develop the self-awareness we’re capable of possessing? Ann Weiser Cornell, an author, educator, and worldwide authority on Focusing, sits down to explain.

Ann has been teaching around the world since 1980. During this time, she developed a system and technique called Inner Relationship Focusing. She is also a past president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Additionally, she has written several definitive books on this powerful subject, including The Power Of Focusing: Finding Your Inner Voice, Untangling: How You Can Transform What’s Impossibly Stuck, and more…

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The difference between clients who are successful in therapy and those who aren’t.
  • What Focusing actually means.
  • The importance of creating a relationship with what you’re feeling.
  • How to develop self-awareness.

How can we use radical acceptance and allowance of our personalities to return to a place of wholeness? In what ways can Focus facilitate personal growth and inner healing? Click play to find out for yourself!

You can learn more about Ann and her important work here.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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