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Over the past decade, workforce demographics have changed significantly, and for the first time ever in the US, more females over the age of 30 are having children than those who are under the age of 30.

Furthermore, 33% of all Americans have either directly experienced a fertility treatment or know someone who has. Tammy Sun is the CEO of Carrot Fertility, a company that recognizes these changes and is working to meet the demands they bring by helping leading technology and finance companies deliver customizable, affordable fertility benefits to their employees.

“We believe that in a short amount of time–fewer than five years–millennials will come to work expecting fertility coverage…and we are working with Coinbase to deliver on this,” says Sun, who is joined by Nathalie McGrath, Head of Corporate Partnerships and People at Coinbase. McGrath can already testify to the need for and healthful benefits of providing employees with fertility coverage, which includes everything from basic evaluations, fertility preservation, and IVF, to more complex processes such as surrogacy.

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