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In this episode, we are joined by Amy Bernard, the head of strategy and programs for the nanoscience and neuroscience divisions of The Kavli Foundation. She sits down with us today to discuss her work in neuroscience, molecular genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, imaging, physiology, open science, and more.

With more than 30 years of experience, Amy provides support for fundamental scientific research – and her efforts are making a real difference.

The Kavli Foundation is a nonprofit research organization that supports science philanthropy. With the help of experts like Amy, they are on a mission to support advances for the benefit of humanity…

Jump in to learn more about:

  • Why basic research and science is the backbone of everything we touch.
  • How The Kavli Foundation encourages groundbreaking research.
  • The importance of supporting basic science around the world.
  • The immense complexity of the human brain.
  • How researchers get funding for their work.

Want to find out more about Amy and her work with The Kavli Foundation? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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