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In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Judy Illes and Anthony Hannan to discuss the International Brain Initiative – a coalition that seeks to catalyze and advance neuroscience through international collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Dr. Illes is a Professor of Neurology and a Distinguished University Scholar in Neuroethics at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She is also the Director of Neuroethics Canada at UBC, and faculty in the Brain Research Centre at UBC and at the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute. Her work revolves around the intersection of neurosciences and biomedical ethics, specifically looking at them from an ethical, legal, social, and political perspective.

Anthony Hannon is the Head of the Neural Plasticity Laboratory at Florey Neuroscience Institutes, and an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia. Currently, his research focuses on cognitive and psychiatric illnesses, including conditions like Huntington’s disease.

Join the conversation now to find out:

  • What the International Brain Initiative is, and how it has evolved over the years.
  • How big data is changing science, and the importance of sharing it internationally.
  • Obstacles that exist in the peer-review process.
  • What the open neuroscience movement is, and how it’s expanding scientific research.

Want to learn more about the International Brain Initiative? Click here now!

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