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Designed to address major concerns with cryptocurrencies that the founders have come across from being early investors in over 50 different tokens, The Lending Coin (TLC) is a real estate lending platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.

TLC is fully backed by real estate, and the money spent on the TLC coin is used to refinance commercial properties at a rate 0.25% lower than the prime rate, which no bank will be able to match. They are working closely with a team of lawyers familiar with cryptocurrencies and blockchain in order to make sure they are fully compliant with SEC regulations.

Despite their early challenges with regulations, they officially launch their platform in Dallas within the next few weeks, and will initially be open to investors who meet their criteria, including previous experience in real estate investing, a high credit score, good character, and more.

Paul also discusses his thoughts on the regulations that are potentially coming this year, and then innovations in the blockchain space that they are excited about this year.

For more information, visit www.

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