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The internet has become all too natural to human beings.

We take it for granted every single day. We expect it everywhere, and we expect it to be fast and secure. As businesses grow, so do their needs for capacity of storage and accessing of data, programs, and services over the Internet instead of locally on your own computer. The challenge then becomes do you develop and maintain your own in-house DNS infrastructure or find a managed provider?

The days of using more physical devices to store your information are over. Cloud services are the new “it” girl so to speak, offering many advantages, including cost savings, scalability, performance, to name just a few.

In this interview, Kyle York, General Manager and Vice President of Business and Product Strategy for Oracle Dyn Global Business Unit, sits down with us to share how they are bringing cloud services to the next level.

Famous for its database, Oracle was formed back in the late 70s and continues to evolve with the times and is now focused on cloud transformation.

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