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Returning to the podcast is Bob Walters, a Christian writer who has spent the past decade involved in church-oriented volunteer enterprises. With a background in journalism and public relations, he uses his skills to write, edit, serve, and teach others in the Christian community.

In addition to his work in the church, Bob also writes a weekly blog entitled Common Christianity. Here, he outlines an array of Biblical subjects – from Greek philosophy to New Testament parables…

In this episode, we explore:

  • What the “intertestamental” period is in the Bible, and when it occurred.
  • What makes Greek philosophy such a powerful force in our perception of faith.
  • How language influenced the culture in Biblical times.

How is Bob’s outlook on spirituality and faith impacting others? Join the conversation now to see for yourself!

You can find a link to Bob’s blog, Common Christianity, here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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