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Medtech Impact on Wellness

In this episode, we sit down with Ali Wing and Dr. Jason Ryder. Both guests are from a company called Oobli, where Ali serves as CEO, and Jason as the CTO and Co-Founder.

Oobli is a company on a mission to solve society’s sugar problem. By deriving sweet proteins from fruits, they use breakthrough technology to provide sweet lovers with a healthy alternative to sugar.

Oobli wants to make its products scalable, accessible, and affordable. Given that we’re all hardwired to crave sweets, sweet proteins could play a major role in bending the global health curve. So where does Oobli fit into all of this? Join the conversation now to see for yourself…

Click play to discover:

  • What sweet proteins are, and why we’re just now learning about them.
  • The effects of sweet proteins on blood sugar and gut microbiome.
  • Oobli products that aim to replace foods with added sugar. 
  • What “hidden sugars” are, and where to look for them.

Want to learn more about Oobli? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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