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Joining us today to discuss mushroom-forming fungi is Dimitrios Floudas, a researcher and principal investigator at BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate).

Through his work at BECC, Dimitrios is researching how mushroom-forming fungi break down organic matter produced by other organisms.

While studying at the University of Athens, Dimitrios became very fascinated by fungi – particularly in their diversity and metabolic versatility.

Since then, he has studied fungal ecology and function – attempting to understand the evolution and decomposition mechanisms of these complex organisms…

Click play to hear Dimitrios talk about:

  • The fundamental questions surrounding fungal biology.
  • When fungi break down organic matter, and how it is done.
  • The kinds of materials that fungi typically break down.
  • The importance of quantifying the composition of fungus.

To learn more about Dimitrios and his research, click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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