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Can genetic testing help diagnose mental health disorders?

Genetic and body chemistry testing may hold the key to diagnosis and treatment in many cases of eating disorders and various other conditions. Listen up to learn:

  • The deadliest mental health disorder
  • The goal of making patients believe they have a problem
  • How the current situation has affected those that suffer from eating disorders.

James M. Greenblatt, a Functional Psychiatrist, Orthomolecular Hall of Fame Inductee, Author, and Founder of Psychiatry Redefined, shares his vast experience treating and diagnosing mental health disorders.

Eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia are some of the harshest and most devious illnesses in the realm of mental health.

Sadly, they can be challenging to treat and even harder to diagnose or show a tendency towards.

Since anorexia is a brain-based illness, it has been firmly proven to be caused by genetics and issues in brain chemistry, rather than how it used to be blamed on one’s surroundings or upbringing. Fortunately, this revolution in understanding allows for a gain in efficacy in the treatment and even more so in proper diagnosis, helping to avoid any tragic circumstances.

To learn more, visit

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