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In 2005, Dr. Daniel Pompa became severely and inexplicably ill. It began with fatigue and progressed to all sorts of strange symptoms, including seemingly random panic attacks, extreme sound sensitivity, and allergic reactions to foods he’d never before had a problem with. His instincts were telling him that his hormones were off balance, and he was convinced there was some sort of dysfunction going on in his pituitary gland, the control tower to the body’s hormones. Eventually, Dr. Pompa spoke with an endocrinologist who suggested that it might be chronic mercury poisoning. This set Dr. Pompa on a path of research, discovery, healing, and eventually, education and coaching of fellow physicians.
These days, he’s guided by a purpose and passion for training as many doctors as possible to consider neurotoxic sources of sickness in patients who simply get can’t better, regardless of their malady. On today’s episode, he discusses the many neurotoxins in our environment, and how many of us are completely unaware that we are even being exposed or affected by them. He also explains the phases of his 90-day program of true cellular detox, shedding light on the fascinating science behind it all.
Tune in to learn more and visit his website at
Richard Jacobs: Hello. This is Richard Jacobs with the future tech and future tech health podcast. I have Dr. Daniel Popma. PSTD. We’re talking about true cellular detox and healing in a massive group passing events as well. Website is So Daniel, thanks for coming. How are you doing?
Dr. Daniel Pompa: I’m doing very well. I just got off my mountain bike when I do that. I’m always doing well.
Richard Jacobs: Yeah. So tell me about what’s your health journey been like? Because usually, people in the health field have, unfortunately, some kind of crisis in the past. Paid overcome.
Dr. Daniel Pompa: Yeah. Well, that was me. I mean it goes all the way back. 1999, 2000 especially to probably about 2005. I became very ill, unexplainable illness. Started with fatigue. I was cycling at the time, racing bikes. So I thought I was just overtraining but took more time off, rested more and things were getting worse, not better and it wouldn’t be on fatigue. I mean to the point of just bizarre symptoms that I never had had debilitating anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks. Couldn’t get to sleep, wake up, and I couldn’t get back to sleep, feeling of dread, sound-sensitive beyond belief. Basically it became intolerant and allergic to all these different foods and never happened before. So all of these gut issues and hormone dysfunction, I mean for years dressed, addressed my adrenals, my thyroid, cause it was malfunctioning, but I was doing everything I could there and I wasn’t really getting better. Maybe some things, but some things were getting worse. So I knew just intuitively, you know, being a physician that it was too far downstream. That was something in the pituitary hypothalamus, which is the area in your brain that controls all your endocrine organs, like your thyroid and your adrenals and your hormones. But I just didn’t know what was wrong and I had become good friends with a very bright endocrinologist, really trying to figure out that hormonal cascade, if you will. And, he said to me, Dan, I think you have mercury poisoning and I said, well, I thought so too. About a year before that I found mad hatter’s disease online and I had every symptom and I don’t know if you recall what mad hatter’s disease is, but it was the people making felt hats actually using mercury is part of the process. And they became very sick and known as mad hatters. I mean, I literally had all the symptoms so I’d got a blood test. And it was negative unfortunately because look if I was getting exposed every day, like the people making felt hats, I would’ve definitely been positive. But he said out, it’s a wrong test. It would be positive only if you were getting acutely exposed, which I think you’re more chronically exposed throughout your life, you know? And I’m like, from what? Yeah. Anyways, he started questioning me on different things and of course, I had vaccinations, but nothing like kids today, which would hold some mercury. But he said, do you have any silver fillings removed or how many you have in, they can take 50% mercury. And actually right before it all started, I went back and looked at my cycling journal. I had two silver fillings removed, which again contained 50% mercury. And it was days after that that the fatigue started. I just never associated it. And here I was years later, they were actually removed but it was removed incorrectly. So those listening caution, I teach a protocol to do on the front end of that, during that and after, because a lot of people get their fillings removed. But the problem is that the mercury vaporizes off those fillings for the life of the filling. I mean, you can go on Google smoking tooth and you’ll see that’s a 25-year-old filling. The reason that’s important is that many dentists say, oh, those feelings are old now. And all the mercury’s off-gassed, it’s not true. The life of those fillings that mercury off-gas is, crosses the blood-brain barrier and it is basically stored in the brain. In my case, a lot was in the pituitary hypothalamus where I intuitively knew the problem was, but I again, I just didn’t know what was wrong. Studies show that’s where a lot of it goes right in that control tower for your hormones. And anyway, the bottom line is, is that for the life of the filling, its bio cumulating in the brain. That just when I got it removed that just kind of set my bucket overflowing, so to speak. If you were to ask me, Richard, if I were healthy a week before, the day before, I would have said, oh my gosh, no fatigue, I sleep great, and then my buckets spilled over. And unfortunately, people that are getting these neurotoxic exposures like mercury, I mean, whether it is from flu shots, which still contain 25 micrograms of Ethyl mercury, which goes right into the brain from silver fillings from the past or present. There are so many different exposures. Fish today is loaded with mercury and many other sources and the people living in moldy homes, I mean hidden infections, these all things. Now I teach doctors to look for upstream of why someone is not getting well despite a perfect diet or doing all these great things. So I’m blessed now to teach doctors all the protocols that really came from pain to purpose through that story.
Richard Jacobs: So what particular issues do people have that maybe come to you for advice or what particular issues do you cover and then what are the reasonings for those problems? You look at what happens if people have fillings in their mouth for x number of years and then you take them backwards through that and talk to them about getting the fillings taken out the right way or, you know, what’s your focus?
Dr. Daniel Pompa: Yeah, well, I mean that’s one of the things when I take on a client myself, My passion and purpose, is trained as many doctors I can and these protocols that again most of which was put together, getting my own life back. And the irony of even my story is that I literally, after getting my life back, it wasn’t long after we had a death in the family and we had to take on two children. Its seven years old. They lost their parents tragically and the whole huge story there. But he was on the autism spectrum. And so literally I started applying what got me well to him and Dylan is 22 years old works for the company revelation health and my seminar company. But you would never know it that he was ever damaged. I always like to say I was my first patient and Dylan is my second. One of my business partners in my seminar business was also my patient who’s passionate about this topic. But the bottom line is purpose is everything I’ve lived out in the protocols. I’m really have come out all of that. And so my passion is teaching doctors these and I’m teaching doctors from all around the world. However, I do still take on some very sick people virtually from all around the world. So I don’t have a brick and mortar practice anymore. But when I do take them on, my goal is to teach them everything they need to do and learn to do it long enough to get their life back. And that is my, all of my cellular detox from, there’s a prep phase there, there’s a body phase and there’s a brain phase. And ultimately it’s the brain phase is what’s unique, very unique about what I teach. Cause you have to get it out of the brain. If you’re going to fix your hormones, whatever it is. But to answer your question, when I take on a case like this where I coach them, and again, it’s coaching, right. I’m doing it virtually. It’s not treating. My goal is to teach them and that empowers them. But I look upstream to why they’re not getting well. And oftentimes it’s hidden heavy metal sources. Lead’s another one. Lead is hidden. And the number one source of lead is our moms in utero and it’s released from the bone where it’s stored throughout life. So it can be a very hidden cause of illness. And then hidden infections, people that have root canals, these things called cavitation’s where you had wisdom teeth removed and heals over these infections will drive autoimmune and create sickness 20, 30, 40 years later. And people living in the mold. These are neurotoxic sources that most people don’t know they have. But if you don’t get upstream to the cause, I don’t care if you eat the perfect diet, it won’t get you well, I don’t care what you do, what pills you take, how much you exercise. That’s the key. I, that’s how I got my life back. That’s how my son got his life back. So the key is getting to the cause. That’s it.
Richard Jacobs: So what is your protocol head of people right out of the cellular detox and what are the steps involved? The initial ones?
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Yeah, look, there are different levels. I’ve trained a lot of doctors in this, you can go to my website and there’s coaching services there kind of walks you through you know, whether it’s one of the doctors or if I would take you on. But those are the definitely the cases that are challenged. And then I also have something that doctors have put in their offices called true cellular detox, which is more of a plug and play detox. That basically is a portal that person would have access to, to educate them through this process. It’s, again, it’s more plug and play. It’s someone who’s not as sick and challenged as, you know, you need a coach, if you are no doubt about it. Oh, whether it’s me or one of the doctors I trained, but the truths id docs, it was more of like there’s a prep phase, here’s the pills, there was a body phase, here are the pills and here’s the brain phase and it’s a 90-day program. And again, you can see that on my website. But if you have a severe condition, if you challenged or been challenged for a long time, you need a coach. I will say if I got sick again, I will hire one of the doctors I coach just because you can’t think through your own stuff. And so, detox, when it’s done right, must be at the cell. And this is what I mean by this Richard. That meaning you go, now detox is very vogue because people realize that their hormones are disrupted because of toxins or even can’t lose weight. Weight loss resistance. The number one causes toxins, even diabetes. 35% is toxin related. The reason is that the toxins accumulate in and around your cells. This is where the hormone receptors are that make you feel normal and good or even be able to lose weight and use fat as energy. All that’s a cellular issue. So when the toxins make their way in and around the cell, they drive cellular inflammation. They blunt the hormone receptor. So you’re never going to fix your hormone condition by taking hormones, bioidentical hormones, and there’s a time and a place for that. But the world’s doing that right now, and they’re not getting better because the receptors to the hormones, toxins are affecting those. And therefore it doesn’t matter if you take more hormones, it’s like shouting your kids. You can shout louder and louder. They will hear you less than less. So it’s like the warm edge. You can take more, but your cells hear you less and less. You get to what’s driving the inflammation, blunting these hormone receptors, and that’s the toxins. So real detox, you have to get to the cell. So my point is you go into a health food store. Now detox is very in vogue. Their shelves now, whole sections of detox. But most of those detox programs or the 10 day cleanse, 30 day cleanse, whatever they are, they’re poopers meaning they’d make you go to the bathroom, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not how I got my life back or thousands of others that you really have to get up to the cell where the problem really is. And cells are designed to get rid of toxins. The problem is when we get exposed to these nasty neurotoxins, it shuts down all of the detox pathways in the cell. So really you have to restore that, otherwise, you’re never going to get your life back. You’re not going to get your hormones hearing or your cells hearing your hormones. So step one is we up-regulate cellular function that’s real detox. Number two is you have to open up downstream detox pathways like the liver, the kidneys, the gut, the lymph. I mean, that’s very important and a lot of people fail to do that. So you have to up-regulate the cell to detox. You have to open up the downstream pathways. And this is a big one. With real detox, you have to use real binders. A lot of people are using chlorella and Salandra and this, you know those are weak binders. We use a binder in and around the cell that when it grabs on to these nasty neurotoxins, it doesn’t let go like a biotoxin for mold or heavy metal and it acts as a vehicle from the cell and make sure that the toxin goes all the way out of the body. The problem is people take these weak binders and key layers and it redistributes. It’s like poking a bee’s nest. You’re just going to redistribute a toxin throughout the body, most of which end up crossing the blood-brain barrier making you worse, so it’s dangerous, but you need to use real binders to escort these toxins from the cell all the way out of the body. Then we use another clever binder in the gut. This process is kind of what I developed over the last 20 years. This sits in the gut, doesn’t leave the gut. It acts like a catcher’s Mitt because one of the things that happen is even from your liver through the bile complex, that’s what you use to digest fat, that it carries toxins right into the gut. When you use this bile from your liver to break down fat, it’s released from the liver stored in the gallbladder and then it’s dumped in the gut to break down fat for digestion. But the problem is it carries all of these toxins in it. Here’s the bigger issue. You reabsorb the bile back to the liver to use it again. So what does it bring with it? It brings toxins right back around. It’s called autointoxication. So we use a binder in the gut that has four different types of binders. So you’re able to bind all of these different types of toxins so you don’t reabsorb it. It breaks that cycle. The people, when they’re detoxing, they’re just cycling the toxins around and around. So number one, you have to upregulate self-detox and self-function. You have to open up downstream detox pathways and you have to use real binders that in just as broad as I could make it is what real detox is. That’s what’s getting thousands of lives back. And that’s why I’m passionate about teaching it.
Richard Jacobs: So what does the protocol look like? Is it stuff to drink or eat?
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Most of its pills and as a matter of fact, I’m doing a detox cycle right now. Look I’ve got my life back. I’m 54 years old and healthier now than when I was in my thirties. But I still periodically do a brain phase where I’m just keeping things moving out and then that’s how I age slower and how my brain works as good as it does. But so the one product I’m taking, it’s called cyto detox. That’s the binder that we use in and around the cell. It’s actually a liquid and that way it can be used very easily with any type of protocol. But there are also some pills that we take that help to up-regulate the cell function. And then the binder in the gut that I talked about. So most of its pills and it’s pretty easy to take really
Richard Jacobs: Well. How did you develop this? How did you find good binder versus bad? How did you figure out this whole protocol?
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Yeah, good question. I mean, years of searching this out, when you go online and you look up detox, there’s so much bad information, probably more than any health topic detoxes. There’s just a lot of snake oil out there. There’s a lot of misunderstanding. So finding a real binder I realized it was very important early on. And when you look at things like Cilantro, chlorella, these things are used or some of these herbal binders in our space a lot. But when you talk about those things to scientists, they’ll tell you, well, here’s it’s a weak binder. Here’s why. And then you look at it, there’s something called a sulfur hydro group, which is sulfur and hydrogen. A lot of those binders only have one of these binding areas. And so they don’t hold on very well is that’s just one example. But the bottom line is, is that you, you’d have to talk to scientists, not what’s not, you know, certain things just get accepted into our space an of natural medicine if you will. And one of which is like Corella. Corella binds things in a petri dish very well. But when you take it orally, your microbiome, your gut bacteria, break it down, change it, and it’s not a great detox agent. And yet it’s advertising the metal magnet and it’s this and that. And I could say that for many of these products. So we really went to more to scientists to find out what our real binders. And that was my area of research for many years and who was working with many people much smarter than me. Who is very bright scientists on this process and over the years we just, we’ve really discovered and put together better products based on these concepts of real binders and using real binders. It’s a growing science, but even when you’ve used a real binder, then it has to be used correctly. Well, let me give you an example. There’s a binder called DMSA. There’s one called DMPS, and these are real binders that work and they’re known and studied. The problem is because people will take, say DMSA once or twice, even three times a day when it has to be taken every four hours within its half-life. Otherwise, you create redistribution. So you have to take these things right? DMPS has to be taken every eight hours. So three times a day. Some people just take it once a day and when you detox, you have to cycle. You don’t stay on detox. You have to stay on maybe three days on, four days off, seven on, seven off, maybe four on, 10 off. That’s different for everybody. Some people do better with longer cycles. Some people do shorter cycles. It’s one of the things I teach is, and even when I take a client on our person, I teach them how to know what’s better for them, what binders are better for them, what key layers are better for them, what support they need. That’s all a little different for everybody Richard. So that’s what I said. If you’re challenged as that you need a coach because you can’t just plug and play into one thing, it’s not so simple. The people think and that’s what makes it real. You don’t take the 30 days to cleanse and Oh yeah, I’ve got mercury out of my brain, took me four years to get mercury out of my brain. So if you don’t learn the process or you have a coach to teach you that process, you’ll go broke. Going to a doctor’s office and being hooked up to IV’s, it just doesn’t work like that. It’s not how I got my life back.
Richard Jacobs: It doesn’t work well or it doesn’t work at all. Or how important is it? Just stick to the schedule on, off your emails.
Dr. Daniel Pomp: The problem with going and getting an IV, which typically they’re using real key layers like DMPS as an example, EDTA. Those are real key layers. They work, but the problem is you go and you get one IV. The half-life of DMPS is very short in the body, and that’s what you have to take it three times a day in for at least three days before you stop it. So you minimize the redistribution. So when you go in and get the Ivey done, you’re getting one huge dose there. You will, you go home, the DMPS is out of your body and about 12 hours, most of it, and your body still releasing mercury. And what happens is that redistributes, even the next day, it’s still releasing mercury. In the binder, the key layers are gone. So that’s why you have to stay on it for at least three days. So when do stop, you minimize what redistributes around your body. But also DMPS has to be taken every eight hours according to underneath its half-life. I guess you could do an IV every eight hours, but that would be very costly. Number one. Number two, it’d be very difficult. So that’s why taking oral agents is much easier, obviously way more affordable, right. But it’s frankly more, it’s safer and it works better. So you have to take these real binders, like cyto detox, this is one or that you can take two to three times a day because it has about a 12-hour half-life. So you could take it twice if you just take it every 12 hours. But I always tell people, take it three times. That way you kind of keep it in your system to prevent any redistribution. So I took a dose this morning and I just took a dose about five minutes ago and I’ll take one before bed, but I’m doing that. I’m taking bind that product that sits in the gut. I do that before bed and I’m taking some other cellular up regulators to get my cell moving the toxins out. So the cellular detox brings it out of the body. So, you know, again, and that process is a little different for everybody, but that’s just kind of a broad example of what I’m doing.
Richard Jacobs: So what kind of examples have you had of people that you’ve worked with? You know, some interesting stories or dramatic stories that really stand out to you? What happened to the person before and after?
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Well, look, you can go to my podcast, which is called cellular healing tv. And you get there by just going to my website at And there are many, many, many people who give amazing testimony there. The last one that was just in was a gal named Tamra, I think it was probably posted maybe three or four episodes ago. Just as an example, she had severe autoimmune, severe gut issues. Hashimoto’s, one of the autoimmune that she had. She had done everything. Oh, perfect diet already. Just no doubt was one of those gals who had the ability and the discipline to do everything, but she wasn’t well, so what did I do that was so special? Well, I just got to the causes. She had mercury in her brain. She had cavitation that I spoke a little bit about.
She had one of these jaw Infections that were killing her. And another, well, I’ll leave the rest of that as a surprise, but there was another big hidden source you have to watch the episode. The idea here that I want you to understand is if you don’t get upstream to the actual cause of what’s disrupting your hormones or what’s driving your thyroid or you’re autoimmune, you’re not going to get well. And again, I coached her to these processes in detox. She’s got her life back and a couple of years. But she’ll continue that process for some years even yet. But anyway, there’s that. Yeah, there are several other episodes there where you can hear these actual real stories. How people got their life back. A gentleman who works for me now his name is Cameron and brilliant kid. Absolutely brilliant. He was so sick that he literally became allergic to every food and then he became allergic to water. There was one water he was able to drink and then all of a sudden his body started reacting to that. So as they are literally they brought him to the hospital cause they were going to try and get an IB and his body was reacting to everything to where they literally send them home to die. They couldn’t get water or food in him. He ended up going without water or food 12 days. So everyone was trying to get pushed food in and water and you’re going to die. And one of the things I said, Cam, just listen to your body. Anyways, he had to have to go without food or water for 12 days. By the way, I teach fasting. It’s one of the strategies that I teach. Matter of fact, my new book will be out here any week. It’s called beyond fasting. And Cam was forced into a fast because you couldn’t do it. His body was not accepting anything, but it was the tipping point for him that got him well, I said to start eating when you get hungry and your body will tell you intuitively. And that’s what he did. Anyways after that, then we’re able to start some of the detoxes. And it was his stories told twice actually on cell TV. But there are so many Richard, I could go through a lot of different stories.
Richard Jacobs: That’s great. So what’s the best way for people to find out more and to get in touch and get started on the program like this if they need the help?
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Just go to and coaching services there. There are thousands of articles. My podcast, the cellular healing TV, listen to all the back podcasts. I mean, there’s a lot there. So enjoy it. And educate yourself. That’s the key.
Richard Jacobs: All right. That’s great. Well, Daniel, thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it.
Dr. Daniel Pomp: Absolutely, Richard, thank you for having me.
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