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In this podcast, we delve into the world of vegetable production, irrigation, and alternative cropping systems with Dr. Ted McAvoy, an Assistant Professor of Horticulture at the University of Georgia. Dr. McAvoy’s field research focuses on all aspects of vegetable production in Georgia – including variety performance, disease resistance, fertilizer, irrigation, and alternative crops. 

Dr. McAvoy is on a mission to increase the productivity, sustainability, and profitability of crops using practical and data-driven recommendations. How does he accomplish this? Tune in now to see for yourself…

Jump in to discover:

  • What “variety trials” are, and how they impact crop genetics. 
  • The biggest issues that vegetable producers are facing. 
  • How plant genetics can be modified to help develop resistance against pests and diseases. 

To find out more about Dr. McAvoy and his work, click here now!

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