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As a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UC Irvine and the director of the National Fuel Cell Research Center and the Advanced Power and Energy program, Jack Brouwer brings an impressive amount of information to today’s episode, discussing stationary fuel cell technology, which is a form of zero pollutant emission energy that can complement solar and wind power. He also discusses the value of renewably-produced hydrogen and the potential for introducing 100 percent renewable energy into society, as well as the challenges presented by this technology.

Currently, the biggest competitors of fuel cell technology are gas turbines and reciprocating engines, both of which are very cost-effective, but also less efficient and significant contributors to poor air quality.

Brouwer explains what needs to be done in order to lower the cost of fuel cell technology and thereby make it a more feasible form of energy use, the science behind different forms of electricity, how fuel cell technology has developed over the years, and what he sees as the most important aspects of future adoption and implementation of fuel cell technology.

Tune in, and visit for more information or reach out to Brouwer directly by emailing him at

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