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Agriculture is a vital part of our society’s health and welfare. Without it, our civilization wouldn’t exist as it currently does – and it’s all made possible by hard-working farmers.

Addressing his own background in agriculture is Joel Salatin – an author, farmer, and lecturer who raises livestock on his Polyface Farm in Virginia.

Joel has been an integral part of regenerative agriculture for decades.

He has also authored 15 books where he outlines the benefits of local food systems, small farms, and “the right to opt-out of the conventional food paradigm”.

Listen now to hear Joel discuss:

  • How farming practices like his own could help mitigate upcoming food shortages.
  • The source of hunger issues within our civilization.
  • The role government regulations can play in food shortages.
  • What you can do to connect with where your food comes from.

What is the future of food production in these uncertain times? Tune in now to find out!

Click here to learn more about Joel Salatin and his role in innovative agriculture.

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