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In today’s episode, we are rejoined by Bob Walters to discuss the fast-paced nature of our society and the intricacies of cultural Christianity. Coming from a Biblical perspective, Bob has been growing in his faith for over 20 years. Now, he writes, edits, serves, and teaches in the Christian community – on a mission to bring God’s word to as many people as possible

Drawing from his journalism and public relations background, Bob writes a weekly blog called Common Christianity. In this conversation, we delve into one of his latest columns, “What Atheism Means.” Here, he introduces a famous atheist who wants freedom and meaning without God while knowing Christ is necessary to our culture. 

Can life have purpose and meaning without the existence of a higher power? How does humanity’s self-centeredness impact our collective worldview? Join us now to see for yourself!

In this conversation, we cover:

  • What righteousness means in a Christian context.
  • The unique perspective of Richard Dawkins, a well-known evolutionary biologist and atheist. 
  • The mystery of eternity.
  • How “wokeness” influences culture. 

Learn more about Bob and his writing by visiting his website here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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