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In today’s episode, John C. A. Manley returns to discuss his latest book, ​​All the Humans Are Sleeping. As the first installment of The Metaverse Trilogy, this is a story that combines sci-fi excitement with profound insights into our future – making it essential reading for anyone intrigued by the dramatic evolution of human-technology relationships…

Hailing from Stratford, Ontario, Canada, John is a writer of philosophical fiction who seamlessly blends seriousness with humor. With a background in Eastern philosophy, fine art, and ghostwriting, he began writing his first debut full-length novel in 2018.

Halted by the 2020 lockdowns, John shifted his focus to a new project: a short dystopian story exploring the potential trajectory of so-called “public health.” That short story eventually evolved into his debut novel, Much Ado About Corona. He is currently working on the sequel to ​​All the Humans Are Sleeping, entitled Brave New Normal.

Click play to find out:

  • A synopsis of John’s new novel.
  • A brief look into Canada’s current medical system and how it inspired John’s work.
  • How John approaches the writing process.
  • The importance of trying new things when engaging in creative activities.

Make sure to subscribe to John’s email newsletter and read his full bio!

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