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This special episode highlights a new way to understand the evolution of life on earth. Willian B Miller, Jr., takes Darwinism’s theory of evolution as a jumping point for this evolved theory based on cellular intelligence. Listen in for an enriching and moving conversation about the origin and evolution of life.

Richard and Bill Miller discuss

  • Why a cell, because it can receive information, assess it, and deploy its resources and problem-solve, has intelligence,
  • Why it is vital to understand that cells work together, not haphazardly, to collaborate and cooperate with a codependent mechanism, and
  • How, therefore, cells are measuring, predictive entities working together to share information and better engineer a state in equilibrium with their environment.

William B. Miller, Jr., left a career in radiology to become an evolutionary biologist. His ideas have helped Richard, who’s interviewed thousands of scientists, understand evolution in a fundamentally different way—a step beyond Darwinism theory. Miller has a publication in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology called “Cellular senomic measurements in Cognition-Based Evolution,” which establishes this evolutionary concept.

This podcast explains in clear and understandable language the gist of the article and where these ideas stands in the era of biological evolution. “It’s not your father’s evolution,” jokes Miller. Richard replies with the opening line of the abstract: “all living entities are cognitive,” and this is the center of Miller’s article.

Miller asserts that scientific examinations have proven that all cells are intelligent: a cell can take in information, process it, and make decisions: in other words, it can adapt. As Stephen Hawking said, intelligence is the ability to adapt. Furthermore, it can communicate to other cells purposefully what it has measured and why. Cellular intelligence may differ than human intelligence, but it is complex, able to solve a maze, retain memory, and collectively work together with other entities.

He emphasizes that cells work together, and not just haphazardly, to get better information; in fact, he says that “each cell is in service to other cells,” and this is central to cognition-based evolution. Their conversation takes a deep dive into the essentials of this concept with concrete examples, from our immune system to breast feeding to biofilm construction. Listen in for a fascinating exploration of one of the most revolutionary scientific theories of our time.

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