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How can you ensure the health of a baby before even considering conception?

Saliva can hold many answers and insights into a child’s future.

Listen in to learn:

  • If a predisposition is the same as a diagnosis
  • The aspects which can be determined about the health of a child before they are born
  • If certain predispositions are more common than others

CEO and founder of Orchid Health, Noor Siddiqui, stops by to share her experience in preimplantation genetic testing.

Understanding genetic risk can drastically impact one’s lifestyle or choices and may change the course of any possible ailments. Testing before a child is conceived gives the best chance of mitigating risk.

Many parents are motivated to help their children avoid suffering from similar conditions they have dealt with during their lives.

By enabling parents to be more confident in limiting as many risk factors as possible, more couples can feel able to have their children with a renewed peace of mind.

To learn more, visit

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