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Having stumbled his way into the world of mining cryptocurrency, Daryl began his own company dedicated to helping others begin to mine crypto. There are three things that you need in order to be successful at crypto mining–capital, the proper software and equipment, and a physical location for your servers.

Cryptosumer Mining helps by building and providing GPU and ASIC mining servers to customers.

Equipment purchased through Cryptosumer Mining can either be shipped directly to the purchaser or hosted at their co-location site, in exchange for a percentage of the mining profits.

Cryptosumer Mining is currently working on developing their own chips for the servers that use less electricity than traditional servers, costing users less to mine cryptocurrency. The mining ecosystem is rapidly growing, with demand for servers outpacing supply.

Daryl also discusses changes that he has seen in the mining space over the last few years, and the future of mining.

For more information, visit

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