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David Freedman, a co-founder and the founding CEO of NanoView Biosciences, discusses noninvasive diagnostics and extracellular vesicles.

Freedman was essential to NanoView’s entry into the expanding extracellular vesicle market with the development and subsequent launch of the ExoView™ R100. He has been a successful entrepreneur for more than ten years, formerly as CTO of eHomes, and President of a computer services company. Freedman is interested in commercialization strategy and organizational build-out, product and services development, tech engineering, as well as automation. Freedman completed his Ph.D. and Postdoc in Electrical Engineering at Boston University.

NanoView Biosciences is at the leading edge of exosome discovery and they provide innovative solutions to detect and characterize extracellular vesicles.

Freedman explains what extracellular vesicles are, for those who might not be familiar.

As he states, extracellular vesicles are like the “Twitter of cells,” in that they are tiny messengers, providing a means for cells to transmit biological information from one cell to another. He discusses the history of cell discovery and what current research is finding in terms of exosome discovery. Exosomes, in simplest terms, are membrane-bound extracellular vesicles produced in the endosomal compartment of a typical eukaryotic cell.

Freedman explains NanoView Biosciences’ platform, which allows researchers to look at the outside and inside of the exosome. NanoView Biosciences’ research looks at many different avenues for their tech to provide new answers. Freedman discusses how this important area of bioscience research can potentially provide more information on the mechanisms of cancer cells.

He explains how they analyze samples, discussing nanoparticle size and count, as well as biological activity, which can help companies that are developing liquid biopsies and new therapeutics. Continuing, Freedman discusses other noninvasive diagnostics and therapeutic development.

In this podcast:

  • What are extracellular vesicles?
  • What important functions do extracellular vesicles perform?
  • The future of therapeutic development

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