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With current mobile marketing users are bombarded with ads that they may not be interested in, and if user’s personal data is used by corporations to make a profit, they never know about it, much less get compensated for it.

Algebraix hopes to change this by creating a permissioned mobile marketing platform.

Users choose which advertisements they want to view and interact with. When they do this, they are rewarded with the Algebraix token, ALX. If users provide companies with their name, email address, or other information, they are further rewarded with ALX. This creates a system of trust between customers and advertisers that is currently lacking in today’s marketing industry and allows users to retain control of their own personal data.

Algebraix is about to release the first version of their mobile platform in the App Store, with a full launch by the end of March 2018.

Charlie also discusses challenges in complying with today’s regulatory environment and scaling their platform to handle large amounts of users, the future of the mobile marketing industry, and the issue of control, ownership, and access to personal data.

For more information, visit

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