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Blockchain has created a new world for us all that has only just begun, but it has also fundamentally changed security requirements for our devices. For the first time, data is equal to money, and data security is paramount when all that is between your money and hackers is the ownership of your keys.

Edge not only believes that centralized security services are no longer secure enough to hold keys, and users must hold their own private keys, but that the user experience should be as simple as logging into a website or application.

Their goal is to make an invisible security layer that uses an encryption key, similar to a password manager, that can hold all the user names and passwords for wallets and blockchain applications, that only the intended user can access. Edge dynamically tunes the strength of the password to the strength of the device through a password hashing algorithm and has a split-key system to recover lost passwords.

Paul also discusses the upcoming shift in blockchain security, and the future of both security foundations and features.

Edge will be at the Blockchain, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Superconference in Dallas, Texas February 16-18.

For more information, visit

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