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The average prosthetic leg cost thirty thousand dollars, it takes several weeks to make and wears out in less than 5 years.

TriFusion can make a custom prosthetic device in hours instead of weeks that fits better and costs far less than anything on the market today.

They’ve developed a novel carbon nano-tube-coded printer filament and a microwave welding process to fuse 3D printed parts together making them super strong and durable. Combined with their advanced 3D scanning capabilities they can go from scan to device in less than 48 hours.

Trifusion’s micro world process is a disruptive technology due to an enormous competitive advantage in both price and production time.

They can print prosthetics, orthotics, wearables, sporting equipment, protective devices and so much more all using their unique 3D printing materials and welding process.

TriFusion serves the unmet needs of both amputees and prosthetics by simplifying and expediting the process of manufacturing a custom prosthetic device through their unique, technological breakthrough.

Listen to this fascinating interview with CTO of TriFusion, Brandon Sweeney. Make sure to subscribe, share and review the podcast.

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