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Medtech Impact on Wellness

How impactful is inflammation on the body, and how can it be treated?

Since it can disrupt so many of the body’s natural processes, it has the potential to wreak havoc in many areas.

Press play to learn:

  • How TNF and inflammation interact with each other
  • Why frozen shoulders develop
  • How inflammation can lead to a range of disabilities

Dr. Jim Woody, the CEO of 180 Life Sciences, shares his work researching inflammation and learning how to more effectively treat it to reduce suffering in individuals worldwide.

Fibrosis and other forms of inflammation can be very painful and lead to increasingly severe symptoms as it continues over a lifetime. However, researchers have found specific factors that can help treat it before the inflammation becomes disabling.

TNF has been discovered to be helpful in treating inflammation through injections, but there is still much research to complete. There is also a significant reduction in pain by reducing inflammation, giving patients who are treated a potential new lease on life

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