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John Hands, a British author who received his scholarly training as a scientist, discusses his thoughts on the origin of life in the universe.

Hands’ book, Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe, is a crash course of sorts that bridges the gap between cosmology and neuroscience and hits a lot of points in between. In Cosmosapiens, Hands provides his theories on how humans evolved to be such a dominating force on Earth. It delves into current themes of study such as cosmic inflation, dark energy, and neurogenetic determinism. It examines various fields of study such as string theory and often challenges the general consensus in multiple areas of science from cosmology to biology, and even neuroscience.

Hands talks about his curiosity regarding various matters of science. He recounts how it was the passing of his wife that caused him to take an introspective look, as he began to ask big questions related to our existence on Earth, such as “what are we,” and “where do we come from,” and “why do we exist.” He explains how society has sought answers to these and other questions from the supernatural, and also from science. As a curious scientist, he was dissatisfied with the current literature on these complex subjects and decided to dig deeper on his own. He states that the specialization of science has perhaps prevented us from seeing the bigger picture as a whole.

He embarked on a journey of discovery on his quest to get to the beginning of it all.

He talks about some widely accepted theories in science, such as the big bang theory, that have been clearly contradicted by observation evidence. He delves into a discussion of dark matter and dark energy and explains how decades of research has failed to provide answers or evidence of what that is, leaving no scientific explanation whatsoever. He discusses the obvious fallacies in Darwinism and expounds upon the details that pertain to them.

The scientific author explains the collaborative process that produces life and change. Continuing, Hands expounds further on his conclusion that humans are unique as a species. He states that it is actually reflected consciousness that makes humans unique. As neural complexity increased, human consciousness was created. Hands state, “We are the only species that not only knows but knows it knows.” Hands deliver an overview of ancient philosophies and other theories that make an effort to explain the origin of life.

Hands talks about how it is important to admit when we do not know the answers, and though he has answered many questions about life in his book, there is so much we do not know.

Hands talks about interesting feedback he has received from his readers, including validation of his theories from some of the world’s leading scientists and philosophers. And he talks about his plans for future works in the subjects of science.

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