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In today’s episode, we sit down with Donald Summers to discuss his latest book, Scaling Altruism: A Proven Pathway for Accelerating Nonprofit Growth and Impact. As the Founder and CEO of Altruist Partners, Donald and his firm have spearheaded over one hundred successful accelerations for nonprofits and social enterprises – from local to global levels, across education, human services, health, environmental reform, and public media sectors…

Are you ready to gain practical guidance on how to turn nonprofit organizations into social problem-solving machines? Whether you are a funder or a graduate student aspiring to work in the nonprofit space, this conversation is sure to provide you with invaluable insights and actionable strategies to facilitate exciting social change efforts.

Jump in now to explore:

  • How Donald became interested in nonprofit work. 
  • How to use amoral tools for good. 
  • What makes an organization nonprofit. 
  • Why scaling enterprises is so challenging. 

Want to learn more about Donald and his work with Altruist Partners? Click here now! 

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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