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Joining us in this episode is Charles Dowding, the author of No Dig: Nurture Your Soil to Grow Better Veg with Less Effort, and other books that are centered around modern no dig and organic soil management gardening practices.

Charles is an English horticulturist who has been working in this field since 1983, and he devotes much of his time and skills to educating people about this effective gardening technique.

In addition to his work as an author, Charles also has a popular Youtube channel that shows these methods in action.

Click play to discover:

  • What no dig gardening is, and why it is considered a labor-saving gardening method.
  • How digging can disturb existing nutritional properties in the soil.
  • How to plant food in an area overgrown by weeds.

To find out more about Charles Dowding and his approach to no dig gardening, visit

Get AudioBook of Charles Dowding’s No Dig Gardening: Course 1:

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