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It started as a single technology club on the campus of McGill University in Montreal, QC.

“I recognized that the college cryptocurrency existed, and I wanted to get Montreal involved,” says Michael Gord.  But before long, Michael Gord also recognized that the idea behind what would become the Blockchain Education Network (BEN) had the potential-and perhaps even the need- to go global.

Though its reach is now global, BEN has maintained its unique, student-centered, bottom-up approach to blockchain education by bringing “massive value to any local university club or any local regent leader that’s trying to grow the blockchain community in their area, by connecting them with speakers for events, sponsors for events, media for events and general best practices to improve events.” Among many exciting projects and initiatives on the horizon, Gord also has plans to speak on behalf of the Blockchain Education Network at the upcoming Bitcoin, Ethereum and Blockchain SuperConference.

Hit play to hear more.

Gord also discusses:

  • How to get involved with and who to contact for the upcoming Blockchain Gauntlet
  • BEN’s contribution to the Beginner’s Track at the upcoming SuperConference
  • The upcoming global Bitcoin Airdrop, which will introduce people to the idea of cryptocurrency in a fun and safe environment
  • How anyone can help develop a BEN course (and earn a percentage of Bitcoin!)

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