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In today’s podcast, Neil Gow enlightens us with his research on killer infections in humans caused by fungi. Neil, a British microbiologist and former deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Exeter, is a leading figure in the field of fungal biology and medical mycology. His extensive work has led to significant discoveries in fungal biology and genetics, morphogenesis, and pathogenesis…

Neil is particularly interested in the structure and function of the fungal cell wall in relation to its potential target. This research is vital for the development of new antifungal drugs and the initiation of immune recognition.

What role does Neil play in revolutionizing the future of antifungal drugs, fungi resistance, and immunotherapies for fungal diseases? How do fungi escape early detection? Hit play now to find out for yourself…

Join us as we dive into:

  • Common versus serious human interactions with fungi.
  • When we are most vulnerable to fungal infections.
  • How many people a year die from fungal infections, and why this number has risen.
  • The “big four” deadly fungi.
  • Why there so few doctors trained to recognize fungal infections.

To follow along with Neil and his intriguing work at the University of Exeter, click here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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