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Matt Liston, CSO at Gnosis, explains Gnosis in brief: “Gnosis is a modular, decentralized prediction market platform built on Ethereum.” What that means is that there’s a base set of smart contracts both for market creation settlements, and oracles that can plug into those markets. The base protocol is meant to support and enable prediction applications.

Live now, people have been able to predict using Gnosis with real Ethereum since Frontier.

This could be the most irritating question I had about Gnosis, but I asked Liston anyway. “What’s the difference between Augur and Gnosis?

“I get that a lot,” says Liston. There’s a misconception that they’re the same, he explains, but really, their technical and business approaches vary wildly.

Tune in to learn more about Gnosis. Be sure to review, and subscribe, and if you can, consider donating some Bitcoin to the podcast. Every little bit helps us create more great content like this.

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