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Experience-driven commerce is all about bringing together rich data and insight, understanding who you are and where you are in your journey in order to contextually engage you, and leveraging data…

to create the optimal experience.”

As the director of the experience-driven commerce program at Adobe, Errol Denger and his team have focused on developing the commerce capabilities necessary to support the eCommerce use case, and have recently acquired the eCommerce platform Magento.

Denger discusses how experience-driven commerce works to create different experiences for first-time customers versus long-term customers, B2B and B2C examples of experience-driven commerce, the role of AI and algorithms, and how the recent acquisition of the eCommerce platform Magento will provide customers with frictionless, contextual, and more seamless transactions.

To learn more, visit the Adobe and Magento blogs, or contact Errol Denger directly at denger@adobe.


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