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Nicholas (Nik) P. Money is a Professor and Director of the Western Program at Miami University. He has spent most of his professional career studying fungi and other microorganisms and has published several books on the topics.

His new book, Nature Fast and Nature Slow, was released in the summer of 2021 and focuses on biology from a unique perspective, the timing of life. 

Click on play to learn:

  • How miniscule units of time can be used to study fast mechanisms over slivers of time. 
  • Why Professor Money chose to focus his new book on the passing of time.
  • What the prospects may be for human life extension.

The subtitle of Nik Money’s new book is, “How Life Works, From Fractions of a Second to Billions of Years.” He captures the reader’s attention with thought provoking statements about how quickly time seems to pass, shares the concept of milliseconds, and discusses nature slow which stretches out over billions of years.


The book explores the timetable of the universe in ten chapters with each chapter focusing on a particular slice of time beginning with nature fast. In the first chapter, Money discusses the evolution of nematocysts and expands on the evolution of the branches of the tree of life including sea slugs, anemones, comb jellies, and flatworms. 

Each chapter in the book opens a new world of information on evolutionary changes over time. The author discusses specific topics such as bowhead whales, bats, and bristlecones. He is already planting the seeds of a new book that focuses on nature big and small.

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