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The average annual turnover rate for sales reps is about 36%, and 70% of companies need at least six months to bring a single sales rep on board and up to speed. What if these percentages could be significantly decreased by a third party company’s ability to quickly obtain and analyze all of an old rep’s customer contact information and accounts so that a new rep could hit the ground running—essentially picking up where the last left off?

This is just one use case of SigParser, a technology that employs machine learning algorithms to parse through business emails and extract the most pertinent information, including customers’ first and last names, phone numbers, and addresses.

Once obtained, the information is loaded into the company’s customer relationship management system (CRM).

Considering the fact that nearly 80% of contact information never makes it into a company’s CRM system, SigParser is an invaluable tool for building customer relations and increasing sales.

There’s also a stateless API version of the product for companies that want to be able to grab contacts but can’t have a third party processing and storing the data for them. Interested in learning more or finding out how SigParser can help your company?

Paul Mendoza, CEO of SigParser, joins the podcast to explain all the ins and outs, so tune in and visit

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