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How can you achieve success using psychological and creative strategies? Scott Cochrane joins the podcast to explain. With decades of experience in neuroscience and psychology, Scott is a growth acceleration adviser who helps people disrupt their thinking and transform bold ideas into tangible plans.

Scott Cochrane is the author of Your Creative Mind: How to Disrupt Your Thinking, Abandon Your Comfort Zone, and Develop Bold New Strategies, a book that introduces readers to an entirely different approach to the creative process. By providing his audience with practical techniques, Scott is on a mission to encourage creative power and drive innovation for leaders all over the world…

Jump into the conversation now to learn about;

  • What “time machine leadership” is, and how it can develop success.
  • How to visualize your future and manifest achievement.
  • What a belief system is, and what it is built on.
  • How Scott helps his clients overcome skepticism.

Want to find out more about Scott and his work? Click here now!

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