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Mitch Francis, a seasoned entrepreneur and innovative thinker, joins the podcast to discuss his latest book, “Bad-Ass Solutions: For Today’s Big-Ass Problems.” Mitch has served as CEO for companies across various industries, including commercial real estate and entertainment. All of these experiences helped shape the solutions in his book, which offers “actionable insights and bold ideas to tackle today’s biggest problems without political bias.”

Mitch’s refreshingly bipartisan approach to some of our world’s most urgent challenges is designed to spark real change. Some of his most notable solutions address the U.S. national debt, public education, rising ocean levels, and dismantling the criminal drug world. As readers dive in, they are continuously presented with thought-provoking, actionable plans aimed at making a significant impact. 

Could this be the book we’ve all been waiting for? There’s only one way to find out…

Hit play to find out:

  • The skills Mitch learned during his time in the real estate industry. 
  • The global catastrophes that may occur due to rising sea levels, and Mitch’s distinct solution.
  • What we can do about America’s looming debt. 
  • How Mitch’s book could be used as a tool for change.

To learn more about Mitch and his unique “problem-solving genes,” click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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