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Can blockchain technology serve as the final defense against the blood diamond trade? Will it transform the way artists disseminate and profit from their work? Might it serve as an equivalent- if not superior- replacement for the traditional banking system?

 For most people, blockchain technology is defined by its inextricable link to cryptocurrency exchange.  While this understanding isn’t entirely wrong, Aman Ladia argues that it’s glaringly incomplete.

As co-founder of Blockstein, Ladia is making it his mission to uncover and promote the gamut of blockchain benefits, and by doing so, he aims to bolster a public understanding that will fuel its widespread adoption. Ladia discusses the seemingly buried uses of blockchain technology that provide both transparency and anonymity in blockchain-based transactions.

But that’s not all: when used as a replacement for traditional banking systems, it may even save you thousands of dollars.

Ladia also discusses:

  • Ways to prevent fraudulent transactions on blockchains, as well as relieve public doubt and misconception surrounding blockchain technology
  • How the use of Ethereum will aid in the widespread adoption of blockchain technology
  • The efforts that will be made in order to spread Blockstein’s message and make these technologies more usable, including branding blockchains and incentivizing their use by large companies

For those who would like to reach out to Aman Ladia directly, here’s his email address:

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