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The primary goal of BlockCAT is to provide access to easy to use smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and bring blockchain technology to the mainstream.

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According to CEO Eric Huang, the BlockCAT website allows anyone to create, manage, and deploy smart contracts with no programming knowledge or expertise necessary.Smart contracts provide unique and powerful capabilities and BlockCAT provides a decentralized web platform to allow users to customize smart contracts.

Users chose pre-build contracts and provide information that is used to create a smart contract in only a few steps.The BlockCAT platform will evolve as more contracts are available and eventually invite third-party blockchain developers to contribute which will lead to more uniformity and standardization.

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In addition, BlockCAT hopes to provide solutions to common problems such as reducing the risk of lost coins, simplifying airdrops, and splitting accounts.

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Huang and his team at BlockCAT are dedicated to finding easy to use solutions to current cryptocurrency users and to provide new users with access to smart contracts.


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