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The debate of time immemorial surrounding science and Christianity continues to rage, but could they both be correct? When examining issues of life, taking diverse and sometimes contradictory stances can lead to new solutions.

Listen up to learn:

  • What Christian apologetics relates to
  • What is offered through Christianity
  • How math plays into religion and Christianity

John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University (emeritus), shares his view of the Christian faith and how it can intertwine with science and math to uncover some of the enduring mysteries of our species.

Different from what it sounds, Christian apologetics offers an opportunity to add the science of spirituality to many debates. Specifically, approaching obstacles in life, especially catastrophic divides, can give new additional context to previously contentious issues surrounding faith.

Despite the various opinions of theologians and philosophies worldwide, Christianity offers an opportunity for hope and collaboration. For example, mathematics and Christianity often find themselves at odds with proponents for both sides staunchly disagreeing, but in reality, both can offer answers to benefit the other.

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