“The people who listen to my show…want to listen to someone who has been through it, and knows what it’s like…to struggle to get out of bed because you feel like the entire world is closing in on you,” says Jeremy Godwin.
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In 2011, the pressure from Godwin’s corporate job combined with unresolved family issues, seemingly insurmountable financial concerns, and unaddressed issues from childhood led him into a total mental breakdown. For the following three years or so, he wrestled with all-consuming anxiety and depression. More often than not, he really believed there was no way out.
He joins the show today to share his journey into and out of the darkest period of his life, and explains how he’s come to use those dark times in a way that helps others.
As creator and host of the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast, Godwin reaches thousands of people on a weekly basis with his practical, evidence-based strategies for understanding and addressing the many faces of mental illness.
Visit https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/ for access to his podcast, where you can anticipate a new episode every Sunday.
Episode also available on Apple Podcast: http://apple.co/30PvU9C
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