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Medtech Impact on Wellness

Jonathan Hull, Head of Business Development at Thryve Inside (, talks about their company’s mission, highlighting important areas of discussion such as probiotics weight loss, and the importance of gut health.

Hull discusses the background and origins of Thryve, evolving from a microbiome testing company to its current place today as not only a testing company but a manufacturer of personalized probiotics targeted for gut health. Hull discusses the kinds of reporting they produce and the probiotics they offer, based on testing results. As he explains, more and more people are coming to the understanding that GI health is the key to wellness and Thryve seeks to help everyone improve their health. Continuing, Hull talks about various gastrointestinal conditions and distress, and the importance of correcting GI issues. He explains the process that they go through as they work with people who come to them with various health and gut issues.

Hull continues, discussing the latest evolution in microbiome products. And he explains how academic and business/industrial leaders are interested in the research of microbiome issues. Hull talks in detail about the depth of the microbiome, regarding how influential it is with overall body health. He discusses consumer-based genetic testing and the new, intense public interest in genetic information.

In this podcast:

  • What’s new in microbiome products?
  • What can you learn from genetic testing and microbiome testing?
  • The importance of gut health

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