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Augmented reality and virtual reality are two of the hottest areas in today’s marketing world.

Companies are scrambling to catch up to find ways to implement these technologies to make their
businesses and their products cutting edge and sexy, while at the same time creating an easy and beneficial user experience.

Entrepreneur Reekita Shah Alias Gala, is the Founder VRARE, a company offering Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality solutions to businesses looking to add these technologies into their marketing platform.

VRARE works with small businesses and start-up companies who are eager to join the altered reality space.

VRARE understands that as consumers, whether it is a home, a dress or a piece of furniture, they want to see and touch a product as much as possible, before buying.

They are partnering with a variety of companies from real estate agencies, department stores, travel agents, restaurants, you name it – there is no business who is off limits to the benefits reaped from implementing AR/VR technologies into their marketing strategies.

For more information, tune in to this podcast. (website not yet available).

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