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Natural Health Experts Natural Health Experts
Medtech Impact on Wellness

Years ago, Stephanie Berg’s passion for law merged with a budding passion for naturopathic and alternative medicine. By combining the two, she has become a well-respected and sought-after resource for health practitioners across California.

Press play to discover:

  • The limits of scope for different naturopathic and alternative medicine doctors
  • How the increased use of telehealth over the past couple of years has shaped naturopathic medicine
  • What type of issues naturopathic doctors face that MDs generally don’t

As both a lawyer and naturopathic doctor, one of Berg’s greatest assets is her ability to truly speak the language of her clients. She assists healthcare practitioners of all kinds with business, transactional, and regulatory work, whether that means drafting patient forms, helping form an LLC, or writing employee contract agreements.

The ultimate goal, for Berg, is to prevent future issues of liability for her clients, and more importantly, help them grow their business with confidence.

Interested in learning more? Check out, and feel free to contact Berg via email at

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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