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Medtech Impact on Wellness

Can a molecule extend life by 90%? In this episode, Chris Burres, the founder and chief scientist at MyVitalC, takes us on a fascinating journey through the discovery and health potential of ESS60 – a molecule linked to groundbreaking longevity studies. As a patent holder, author, and health summit host, Chris sheds light on how this Nobel Prize-winning molecule is being used to improve sleep, boost energy, and reduce inflammation.

Could this molecule be the key to living longer and healthier? Join us as we dive into the science, the myths, and the remarkable testimonials that have shaped Chris’s career and mission.

Listen in to discover:

  • The origins of ESS60 and how it became linked to longevity.
  • What happened during the study that extended rat lifespans by 90%.
  • How ESS60 can reduce oxidative stress and support mitochondrial health.
  • Surprising health benefits, from better sleep to increased energy and reduced inflammation.

Interested in exploring Chris Burres’ work with MyVitalC and his book Live Longer and Better? Click here now!

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