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Medtech Impact on Wellness

In today’s episode, we discuss pain relief, musculoskeletal health, and more with Dr. Chad Nowlin. Dr. Chad is the founder of NRG Physio and the creator of the Keystone Reset. With NRG Physio, he is committed to helping companies reduce wasteful spending on musculoskeletal health conditions using fresh approaches to health screening and root cause pain relief in rehab – all while helping shift the culture of physical wellness inside the organization…

Dr. Chad is at the forefront of a new wave of physiotherapy built around a simple yet poignant philosophy: “Pain is not a medical problem. It is a movement problem. And if movement is the problem, movement can’t be the medicine.” 

Drawing from his personal experience with the healthcare system, Dr. Chad found himself on a path to overcoming pain on his own, which ultimately led to the creation of the Keystone Reset. How does he help others reframe common misconceptions about pain? What role does muscle inhibition play in the symptoms of weakness? Join us now to dive into Dr. Chad’s personal story and how it informed his comprehensive approach to pain management.  

Hit play to discover:

  • What drove Dr. Chad to consider the root cause of pain. 
  • How movement and mobilization can lead to lasting relief. 
  • The biggest limitations that keep people trapped in their pain cycles. 
  • Key factors that decide what your movement looks like. 

To learn more about Dr. Chad and his work, visit his website here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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