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Are there ways to afford college without getting buried in debt? What financial options do parents have to help their children achieve their higher education ambitions? Angie Grimm joins the podcast to address these important questions and explain her unique approach to helping students make valuable informed decisions about the future…

Angie is a College Funding Professional at College Solutions, a company that offers late-stage planning services for parents with students attending college in the near future. With an emphasis on families with college-bound high school students, Angie and her team are on a mission to help their clients navigate the complex and overwhelming process of paying for college tuition – using proven strategies to optimize their goals.

Jump in now to discover:

  • The benefits of understanding the ebb and flow of the financial aid system.
  • Why out-of-state tuition is higher.
  • What “cash flow planning” is, and how to harness it. 
  • The most under-utilized resource for college-bound students. 

To learn more about Angie and her work with College Solutions, click here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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