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Marshall Taplits is the CSO and co-founder of NYNJA, a company that is building a global communications app featuring an on-demand freelance network. This network will allow NYNJA users from around the world to complete work or have work completed for them in real time. Once a user completes a project, they will be paid in accordance with the contract and in NYNJA’s own cryptocurrency- the NYNJACoin. The NYNJACoin is an ERC20 token that can be stored in any Ethereum wallet.

NYNJA was developed around the concept of “open unity,” which is the idea that individuals from around the world, while acting independently and in their own self-interest, can contribute pieces of work to ultimately form a cohesive product.

“The concept of jobs is changing, automation is coming…we need to free people up and connect people and make it very easy for people to communicate, and we need to do this globally….we need to move to a world where money is programmed, contracts are programmed…and finance and governance and communication all come together in one. The NYNJA platform is going to offer tools that facilitate that,” says Taplits.

The NYNJA app and platform are slated to go live by the end of next year. Tune in and visit to learn more.

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