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Medtech Impact on Wellness

Does personalized precision medicine have the potential to treat chronic and life-threatening diseases like cancer and enhance longevity? In this episode, we connect with Dr. John Oertle, the Chief Medical Director at Envita Medical Centers, to dive into the innovative field of personalized precision medicine – something that has played a critical role in helping many late-stage cancer patients recover holistically

Dr. Oertle specializes in chronic infectious disease, immunotherapy, and precision oncology. He leads the molecular tumor board for Envita Medical Centers and does research and development in the fields of oncology and infectious disease. Dr. Oertle and his team treat diseases by identifying and addressing the root causative factors, considering the detailed genetics, epigenetics, pharmacogenomics, environmental, and other factors that contribute to patient recovery.

Want to learn how this level of in-depth analysis can help build a customized treatment protocol for each individual patient? What does it mean to go beyond the standard one-size-fits-all protocols? Join the conversation now to find out!

Hit play to discover:

  • Why focusing on outcomes is so critical to effectively treating chronic diseases.
  • The benefits of providing individualized cancer therapy.
  • How to teach the immune system to attack harmful tumors.
  • The role that biological age plays in disease prevention and recovery.

Click here to follow along with Dr. Oertle and his important work at Envita Medical Centers!

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